“I dream of painting and then I paint my dream.”

– Vincent Van Gogh

Dreams are a powerful resource of inspiration and design for me. Many of my daily experiences culminate in this unconscious state. This place allows freedom of ideas without restriction. I will often wake up with a completed design and can see it perfectly as if it were already made. With paper and pencil close by, I am quick to record the design.

-Adam Neeley

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Explore our most popular and versatile Fine Jewelry, our unique One-of-a-Kind Jewelry and Adam Neeley’s most technically ambitious and visually dramatic High Jewels.

Fine Jewelry
From his Laguna Beach studio, designer and goldsmith Adam Neeley pushes the boundaries of modern jewelry design. Born a gem-lover and educated at the prestigious Gemological Institute of America and Le Art Orafe, Adam has spent his life mastering the craft and art form of jewelry making and design. As a member of the American Jewelry Design Council, Adam is honored to share his expertise and passion with the world. His award-winning jewelry is celebrated by jewelry collectors, industry authorities, including MJSA and AGTA, and the Smithsonian Institution. We invite you to learn more by visiting our About Adam and Welcome pages.
From his Laguna Beach studio, designer and goldsmith Adam Neeley pushes the boundaries of modern jewelry design. Born a gem-lover and educated at the prestigious Gemological Institute of America and Le Art Orafe, Adam has spent his life mastering the craft and art form of jewelry making and design. As a member of the American Jewelry Design Council, Adam is honored to share his expertise and passion with the world. His award-winning jewelry is celebrated by jewelry collectors, industry authorities, including MJSA and AGTA, and the Smithsonian Institution. We invite you to learn more by visiting our About Adam and Welcome pages.